Free Pick-Up
Community Soccer believes the foundation to growing a life-long love for the game begins with pick-up soccer.
Join us Sundays (May 1st thru October 1st)
Rapid City, SD:
Sundays 6pm MST at Sioux Park (May 1st thru October 1st)
Middle School, High School, and Adult Players
All Skill Levels Welcome!
Spearfish, SD:
Sundays 6pm MST at Lion's Park (May 1st thru October 1st)
Elementary & Middle School Aged Players
All Skill Levels Welcome!
Sturgis, SD - Times / Locations - TBD
Join us Sundays (May 1st thru October 1st)
Rapid City, SD:
Sundays 6pm MST at Sioux Park (May 1st thru October 1st)
Middle School, High School, and Adult Players
All Skill Levels Welcome!
Spearfish, SD:
Sundays 6pm MST at Lion's Park (May 1st thru October 1st)
Elementary & Middle School Aged Players
All Skill Levels Welcome!
Sturgis, SD - Times / Locations - TBD
Utilize the following websites to create, manage, and/or find free pick-up games in your area or wherever your travels take you!